Calculator online ovulation: Ovulation Calculator & Calendar — Determine Your Most Fertile Days
Ovulation Calculator & Calendar — Track Period & Fertile Days
Use this online ovulation calculator that helps you to find the most fertile days and exact ovulation date to increase your chance of conceiving. Remember that a woman can only get pregnant during her ovulation cycle.
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Table of Content
1 | What is Ovulation? |
2 | Symptoms and Signs of Ovulation: |
3 | Rise in Body Temperature: |
4 | Changes In Cervical Mucus: |
5 | Sore-Breasts: |
6 | Bloating: |
7 | Heightened Senses: |
8 | Cramping: |
9 | Light Spotting: |
10 | Mood Swings: |
11 | Missing Periods for Months: |
12 | Ovulation Chart: |
13 | When did I Ovulate? |
14 | How does the Menstrual Cycle Work? |
15 | What are Most Fertile Days? |
16 | Shorter Cycles: |
17 | How Ovulation Calculator Works? |
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Anxious to have a baby? Whenever you’re trying to get pregnant, it is immensely important to know your most fertile days. No doubt, knowing exact fertile dates seems complicated, but thanks to an online ovulation calculator that assists you to calculate ovulation cycle dates.
Let’s get ahead knowing more about ovulation and fertility.
Keep Reading!
What is Ovulation?
Ovulation is a part of your menstrual cycle. It happens when an egg is released from the ovary. When the egg is liberated from your ovary, it may or may not be fertilized by sperm. If the egg is fertilized, it may travel to the uterus, build an embryo, and implant to develop into a baby. If unfertilized, the egg dissolves, and the uterine lining is shed during the period.
For ease, you can approach our best period and ovulation tracker app that will provide you with the fertility calendar and estimate when ovulation occurs.
Symptoms and Signs of Ovulation:
Now the question arises: Would you actually feel when you are ovulating? Let us tell you! Yes, definitely you will feel. No doubt the ovulation days differ from woman to woman but many symptoms are there that are common for all.
With this all, you can also go for tracking ovulation by using this best ovulation tracker. And if you are expecting, then you must go through the following signs of ovulation to know whether you are experiencing these or not.
Rise in Body Temperature:
During ovulation, the basal body temperature of the women’ body rises in the ranges 0.5F — 1.0F and remains until the second half of the menstrual cycle has started. This temperature rise is actually due to the release of progesterone, a particular liquid hormone that is released just after the ovulation occurs. This hormone helps the uterus to be prepared for implantation of the fertilized egg. Moreover, you can also go for noticing the temperature changes during pregnancy by subjecting to this best menstrual cycle calculator.
Changes In Cervical Mucus:
When ovulation occurs, the body of a woman produces more amounts of estrogen. Due to secretion of this hormone, the cervical mucus becomes more stretchy, clear and resembles an egg white. It becomes slippery enough to allow sperm to slip and easily reach the egg to unite. When you track ovulation days with this free fertile window calculator, keep checking your mucus to know whether there is good news for you or not.
Sore Breasts:
Whenever you think about yourself when am i most fertile, this is one of the best signs to predict that. This soreness in breasts changes from woman to woman. Where some feel this tenderness before ovulation, many others feel it after the ovulation occurs. So keep doing ovulation tracking by the assistance of this exact ovulation calculator free and check whether you are experiencing this symptom or not.
During the days 11 to 13 of the menstrual cycle, a woman may feel bloated. This is also due to the excess supply of estrogen hormone in the body. Like other symptoms, this differs too for every woman. So if you are feeling this symptom, try using this perfect ovulation calculator to confirm good news as it identifies your pregnancy chances.
Heightened Senses:
Usually, during the second half of the menstrual cycle, some women develop a more sharp sense of tasting and smelling. No only this, the sexual senses also arise during these days and the best sign of ovulation. If you feel this symptom as well, then it is possible that you may be conceiving. Rest the confirmation can be done by using this free ovulation calculator online.
Ovulation cramps are also called middle pain by doctors. This kind of pain occurs when an ovary releases an egg almost during the middle of the menstrual cycle.
Light Spotting:
When the follicle surrounding the egg matures and bursts, it causes a little bit of blood loss. When this blood gets older enough, it turns brown in color. Now in this condition, if the infection remains for a long duration, then you are supposed to consult your doctor. This is because this is a very strong sign of pregnancy. For a quick check, you may use this best ovulation calculator.
Mood Swings:
When actual ovulation occurs, women feel mood swings. It includes acting emotionally and other things like that. These swings are actually due to hormonal changes. If such a situation is supposed to happen to you, it means the time of using an advanced ovulation calculator and visiting a doctor has come as you are almost conceiving.
Missing Periods for Months:
As we know that a normal menstrual cycle comprises about 27, 28, or 31 days. Now if a woman gets a period in less than 21 days or gets no period, then you must start thinking of the newbie. In such a condition, you must visit your doctor and discuss the condition.
Remember that these ovulation signs are not only the thing to estimate the exact ovulation date, you should visit MEDICAL PRO for the fertility evaluation. Also, you can give try a free online ovulation calculator that enables you to find important fertility dates.
Ovulation Chart:
Below here is an arranged ovulation cycle chart that clarifies the concept of menstruation in more precise way:
When did I Ovulate?
Ovulation normally occurs in the mid of your menstrual cycle, or around the 14th day of the average 28-day menstrual cycle, counting from day one to a period to the first day of the next. Also, knowing about the exact ovulation date through the ovulation & fertility tracker app will help you to plan for sexual intercourse at the right time which improves your chances of getting pregnant.
How does the Menstrual Cycle Work?
When your cycle starts on the 1st day of your period and continues up to the first day of your next period cycle, at that time, eggs start to mature in the ovary. The womb lining becomes firmer and ready for fertilization. During the ovulation cycle, your cervical mucus becomes clearer and thicker to help the sperm to reach the released egg.
If sperms are present at the time of ovulation, or sometimes during the next 36 hours, the egg might be fertilized. When the egg has not been fertilized, the egg is reabsorbed by the body, so the hormone level drop, and the lining of the womb is shed. This is the initialization of your next period also you can track your cycle with this best due date calculator ovulation.
What are Most Fertile Days?
When you have an idea about your regular menstrual cycle, you can easily find when you ovulate (most fertile days). Remember that ovulation occurs about 10 to 14 days before your period starts. If a woman’s average menstrual cycle is for 28 days, then the exact ovulation date takes place around day 14, and the most fertile days are 12, 13, and 14. In some cases, a woman’s menstrual cycle is 35 days, the ovulation occurs around day 21 and the fertility days are 19, 20, and 21. Anyhow, you can easily figure out your most fertile days with an ovulation calendar calculator.
Shorter Cycles:
If a woman’s menstrual cycle length is shorter, say 21 days, then ovulation occurs around day 7 and the most fertile days are 5, 6, and 7, also you can make use of an online fertile days calendar manually by using these ovulation calculations.
How Ovulation Calculator Works?
This online ovulation date calculator only shows you accurate results if you have a regular menstrual period. Just follow the given steps and lets the ovulation predictor do the ovulation calculations:
- Add the 1st date of your last menstrual cycle into the relevant field.
- Then, enter the average length of your menstrual cycle.
- Now, enter the luteal phase if you want to leave this field empty. The fertile days calculator considers your luteal phase around 14 days.
- Click on the calculate button.
The ovulation period calculator estimates:
- Exact Ovulation Date
- Ovulation Calendar with the fertile period that includes most fertile days
- Next period date
- Safe period, in which conception is least likely to occur
- Expected due date
- Pregnancy test (when you need to visit MEDICAL PRO)
- Important dates for the next 6 cycles
Note: This accurate ovulation calculator only shows the estimations, for a further query you should consult the DOCTOR.
In What Ways I Can Improve My Chances of Conceiving Naturally?
Before attempting pregnancy, every female makes sure that she is healthy for pregnancy by adopting a healthier lifestyle and taking before birth vitamins. If you have a genetic or medical condition or risk of one, you should seek guidance from a gynecologist before conceiving. To make it convenient for you, use the ovulation calendar calculator to know your best conception time if you have a regular menstrual cycle.
When do I Ovulate if my Cycle is 40 Days?
Women with regular menstrual cycles normally have periods every 21-35 days. Well, if your menstrual cycles last 35 days or longer, then you might be ovulating on day 21 or later. Furthermore, using an online ovulation calculator will also assist you to determine your ovulating time if you have a 40 days cycle.
When to Visit a Doctor?
A study depicts that fertility issues affect up to 15% of couples. However, the road to parenthood can sometimes look like a daunting challenge, but right ovulation time may help you to conceive. There’s no specific time to consult a DOCTOR. If you have any of the above-mentioned signs of ovulation, then you should see a doctor tracking your ovulation sequentially.
What are the Signs of Irregular Ovulation?
When you’re not ovulating then you can’t get pregnant. And if you’re ovulating irregularly, it might be difficult for you to conceive. Here are some signs of ovulation-related problems.
- Irregular cycles
- Missing periods for a long time
- No rise in BBT
- Inconsistency in ovulation tests
What is the Fertile Window?
The time of the fertile window is a cycle when pregnancy can occur. Normally, the four to five days just before the day of ovulation. It means pregnancy most likely to happen when intercourse occurs these days. However, there are several ways to determine fertile dates, you can try our fertility calculator by age to find your most fertile days.
What type of Diet Affects Fertility?
Fertility is decreased in females who are very fat or weak, but there is no confirmation about the normal diet variation that affects a woman who is normal weight and having a regular period cycle.